With us you will get quality materials and professional support every step of the way. Try it and see for yourself!
Technical support
Our experts will provide recommendations on what material better suits your purposes, advise on installation and operation issues
Affordable prices
Our prices are lower due to direct contact with manufacturers
Individual approach
We analyze your needs and offer solutions best suited for your project
KIN Ltd is an expert in the polymer sheet market.
We have been working in the field of construction plastic for over 20 years and know the subtleties of each product.
We supply multiwall polycarbonate, solid polycarbonate, profiled polycarbonate and greenhouses.
Why choosing our company
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KIN Ltd - polycarbonate supplier
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Office hours
Mon-Fri from 10:00 to 18:00
Office and warehouse
80 Grigol Lortkipanidze St, Tbilisi