Use of polycarbonate in civil construction

Overground crossings and public transport stops
Here, multiwall polycarbonate is often used. It is light but at the same time resistant to temperature fluctuations and atmospheric phenomena. The transparency of the material provides good lighting, making the space safe and comfortable
Covering for stadiums, pools
Polycarbonate is ideal for covering pools and stadiums. It provides excellent protection from ultraviolet radiation while maintaining brightness and transparency. It is resistant to mechanical loads and impacts from balls
Glazing of shopping malls
Polycarbonate is used for glazing and roofing shopping centers as it provides good light permeability while having excellent thermal insulation
Canopies for parking lots and gas stations
Polycarbonate is suitable for use in canopies at parking lots and gas stations. It provides protection from bad weather and ultraviolet radiation. It is durable and requires low maintenance
Advantages of polycarbonate in civil construction
  • Polycarbonate is 200 times stronger than glass, ensuring safety in places of large crowds
  • Savings on heating: Multiwall polycarbonate retains heat 50% better than glass
  • Light transmission of polycarbonate reaches 80%, creating comfortable lighting inside premises
Greenhouses and gazebos
Profiled polycarbonate
Solid polycarbonate
Choose polycarbonate for your purposes
Multiwall polycarbonate
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KIN Ltd - polycarbonate supplier
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Mon-Fri from 10:00 to 18:00
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80 Grigol Lortkipanidze St, Tbilisi